Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fall Garden

I am severely late in starting fall garden. Too much going on. I finally planted some greens. Cleaned the greenhouse a bit and moved less cold hardy plants into it. Wanted to go canoeing on the Suwannee today, but too much work.

Friday, September 18, 2009

On Lawn Blowers in the Cemetery

I dismiss the sound of blowers, mowers, ridem' cowboy. Tire tracks running over the graves. There are other ways you know, but we must hurry, labor costs are high. I saw the other ways, a push mower and a machete on Baytree Road. I do the other ways. Robinson says "...no disagreeable effects result from decay." A wild garden is an event. It allows untold exploration and old thoughts to survive. It changes with the turning and sometimes glows in the moonlight. Return to the Earth, mausoleums are for rich men.
Download The Wild Garden by William Robinson at Google Books.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Flag Day

I tried to hang up the flag but it is too large for the porch. So I guess no flag on Flag Day.
The garden has gone wild with weeds but the squash are producing well. The okra will be blossoming soon and giving plenty of harvest for pickling. I may even try a few peas with it for an old-fashioned treat.

Monday, May 25, 2009


It is such a short life, or so it seems when an illness takes over a life. The thoughts of, what have I missed? and, why does it have to be this way? come through at this time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The squash, tomatoes and peppers are doing fine. The greenhouse find at the salvation army was a month late but will work well in the fall.  I will be a certified Master Gardener soon!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Did some more transplanting in the front. The century plant was moved to make more room for the Artemisia. Pulled compost out of the pile and tried to cover the Hibiscus with it to see what happens. 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Course of events

I turned the pile, the steam rose in the cool air. The potatoes were planted near the garlic. It is still to cold to do seeds. But will get the peas in in the next week. dark of the moon, roots?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Garden news

The spinach was planted Thursday, along with transplanting of some daylilies and ground layering of the Artemisia. Continuing the raking, weeding and hoeing. Potatoes were planted at the farm today and city potatoes tomorrow. The compost keeps dropping in size and steams when it is turned on the cold mornings.
Bedding plants should be done as soon as this last Blackberry Winter is over by the middle of the week.